Begilhan Gungor
Associate Partner
Senior Client Consultant
+47 450 88 231
Begi is educated master of science in logistics, materials and supply chain from BI Oslo. His thesis was a heuristic procedure for a two-stage dynamic lot-sizing model with limited production capacity. He is well educated in many relevant fields regarding the digitization and change the world markets are experiencing. Both industrial engineering, math and management are highly soought after skills.
He works as consultant and business analyst assisting managers and entrepeneurs in safeguarding their business financially. He is an experienced data analyst doing producing forecasting and budget models as part of companies business and scale up plans.
- Master of Science in logistics, nmaterial and suplly chain, BI Oslo
- Bachelor of Science Industrial engineering, Eastern Mediterranean University
- A-level Physics, math and french, The British School New Dehli
- Middle School, European Schools of Luxemburg